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Sometimes working out once a day just isn't enough, especially if you are stressed and working out is your form of therapy. Maybe you are trying to prepare for that half-marathon, triathlon or want to get your metabolism in high gear. Whatever your end-goal, two-a-days may be something for you to try. Here are some tips to fit an extra workout into your day and how to do it safely.

I know it may sound daunting, but it's easier than you think. The key is to plan ahead - pack your gym stuff the night before, make sure your playlist is ready to go, and treat the workouts like class or work meetings you simply can't (and won't) miss.

You definitely want to make sure to vary the two workouts you do in the same day. Running, of course, is an easy one to fit in. It doesn't have to be long or that intense. However, if you do an intense run before work and then try to do the same thing after, you are prone to muscle breakdown and other less-than-desirable results, potentially a decreased metabolism, feeling exhausted and totally depleted, or you may risk injury. A good general rule of thumb is try to space out your workouts so there is at least 5-6 hours in between and to change up the intensity level. It's important to give your body enough recovery time so that you don't risk injury and aren't too tired for that second workout.

You got this.

A great routine I do often is a workout mid-day (if you know me at all, you are well-aware I am not a morning person; i.e. don't talk to me before I have coffee which means my first workout is, in all likelihood, going to be around lunchtime) and then again in the evening after work.

To clarify, I eat after my run.

Variation is key.

The mid-day workout consists of an easy to moderately intense paced 4-5 mile run and a weight workout after work. I run at my warmup pace for the 1st mile and then, depending on how I feel, I either do intervals (sprint for 30, jog for 30) for each mile or I start slow and gradually amp up the pace until I am sprinting towards the end of each mile. The weight routine in the evening usually hits all the major muscle groups - shoulders, chest, bi's, tri's, etc. I know people like to do "back & bi's" or "chest & tri's" days and split up the muscle groups, but my gym tends to get crowded so I hop on whatever machine opens up and get in a quick few sets then move onto the next thing. I also get bored easily so I like to mix it up. A varied two-a-day like this is great because you work totally different energy systems and you can reduce the risk of overtraining the same muscle groups.

Werkkk it out.

My days are jam-packed. From drafting discovery, conducting legal research, writing a motion, coordinating client meetings, going to hearings, etc. sometimes I barely have time to do much else. I love my job but I also LOVE working out and I make it a priority to fit in a workout - in this case two. Find the time. If you can't find the time then get your a** up at 5am and go for a run. I know it's cold. I know it's dark. I know your significant other is warm and cuddly or maybe you love star-fishing it alone in your queen-sized bed and are deep in REM... Just the other week I had a jury trial. I knew I was going to be in the office by 8am, off to court by 9am, back at the office by 5pm until God knows how long, home by 9pm, go to sleep then get up and do it all again. It sucked. It was exhausting. But I got my butt up at 5:30am every morning and cranked out 5-7 mile runs because I knew I wouldn't have time or may not get the chance to fit a workout in. It's called discipline. Find what motivates you and make it happen ... same general concept applies to two-a-days: find time and make time to fit them into your day.

Two-a-day-Tuesdays, y'all.

So on Tuesdays, it's all about cardio. I teach spin after work. Spin classes are high-intensity jam fests (for those of you who are unfamiliar) - we work hard; we sweat; my spin-bunnies sometimes hate me (but love me afterwards); it's fun - you should come. With that in mind, I try to get in a slow-paced endurance run (anywhere from 3-5 miles) on my lunch break. If I am extra tired then I warm up for a mile then lift a little at my work gym. There aren't many weights so I get creative with the weights that are there and get in some solid stretching. It's important not to go too intense for both workouts. Do one at moderate intensity and the other at high intensity. Most people won't be able to sustain that kind of intensity level for both workouts anyway, and more importantly, it's unnecessary to go super hard for both and risk injury. You don't want to work to exhaustion either - keep your overriding goal in mind - whether it's the upcoming race you are training for, wanting more energy throughout your day, to challenge yourself for the hell of it, whatever it may be. Make sure you don't do this too often either. After-all, I don't want you to burn yourself out and not come to my spin classes!

Remember, get plenty of sleep and that it's all about balance. Two-a-days can be very beneficial, but make sure you give your body the rest it needs and deserves. Now go work.

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