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To the People Who Bash Your Fitness

Co-worker (we'll call him Howard): "Drinks later? (for the 100th time)"

Me: "Sorry, I have plans. Maybe next time."

Howard: "What, why not!? You got something better to do?" (cue the condescending, pretentious tone)

Me: (smiles politely) "I have spin."

Howard: "Of course you do." (in the much anticipated snide inflection)

This is what Howard reminds me of.

Does the foregoing exchange sound all too familiar? Maybe you're the one poking fun at the fitness-loving young professional, or maybe you're the one who always has to defend yourself or justify your healthy lifestyle to the co-worker with the beer-gut who hates working out, drinks too often, and stuffs their face with greasy foods at every meal. Ironic that you are the one who has to defend healthy life-choices, isn't it? And yet, that's the world we live in. When people are jealous or unhappy about their own life-choices, they bash others to try to make themselves feel better by bringing you down. Good thing that stuff doesn't work on me and I hope it doesn't work on you. Make good choices - actively surround yourself with others who do the same and who motivate you to live a healthy lifestyle. Of course, we can't always pick our co-workers or bosses, but we can choose to rise above and to continue onward in our journey to a happy and healthy lifestyle. I'm with you. But first, allow me to vent to you in this admittedly passive aggressive blog post!

Here are 10 excuses I often hear from the haters and my (internal) response for your entertainment.

1. I'm too out-of-shape to workout.

Can you move? Oh, then you can do some sort of exercise. Go for a walk, run, lift your arms up and down, I don't care, do something -- literally any type of movement is better than none. If you can move, you are not too out-of-shape to workout. Go slow–really slow if you must. Do you want to know what you are not too out-of-shape to do? Die. And die with a beer-gut.

2. I don't have enough time.

You know what I don't have time for? Your excuses. That's just being lazy. No one doesn’t have enough time for a little exercise. Did you make time to go get that mocha cappucc-whatever the heck you got at Starbucks this morning? Oh, okay. Did you make time to watch Netflix last night? Knew it. Did you make time to scroll Instagram this afternoon? Ya' sure did. You make time for things you care about and your health should be one of them. Even 15 minutes a day is better than nothing. Get weights and put them in your office - do curls when you get bored. Go walk on your lunch break. Get your butt up and run 2 blocks down the street before you get ready for work. I'm sure you can think of something.

3. Working out causes injuries.

Besides the fact that studies show how working out, whatever form of exercise we are talking about, builds muscles and strengthens your joints, you know what also causes injuries? Walking across the street. Bathing. Driving a car. Breathing. Should we stop those activities too?

4. It'll ruin my knees, joints, etc.

I recently read about someone who ran 52 marathons in 358 days and a decade later, her knees are just fine. Your excuse is...? If you have injuries or joint issues, then get creative, people: take a spin class (easier on the joints!), walk, lift, swim (by far, the easiest form of exercise on your joints and super challenging), whatever strikes your fancy. Working out actually improves your physical (and mental) state of being.

5. I'm not good at working out.

Are you good at breathing? Okay. good! Then you can work out in some form and I'm sure you'll be just dandy at it. God forbid you have to work at something to do it well. Remind yourself that we are rarely good at things immediately. It takes time. More importantly, it takes dedication and commitment. Just like everything else; if you take it slow and continue to work hard, eventually you'll get better at it. I'm going to say what you don't want to hear: being fit is hard. It takes constant work and dedication. There's no magic pill. No one is going to hold your hand. Get up and make some changes no matter how minute they may seem. I promise you that they will make a difference in the long-run. Stop being so hard on yourself. Society expects us to have that fabulous career, awesome social life, and to look good while doing it. It's okay to try something new and not be great at it from to get-go. The fact you try and put in the effort is what matters.

6. Workout gear/apparel is too expensive.

Got a shirt, shorts, socks, and sneakers? Cool. You're all set. You don't need the $100+ pair of Lululemon leggings to go workout in the gym (although some of them are totally fab, *hair flip*). It's not a requirement to workout. All you need (besides clothes and sneakers), is your will and determination. Know what I'm saying? Stop caring so much about what others think. When I was in law school, dirt poor, I worked out in my old huge ODP soccer shirts and team shorts I got for free in college when I played. And guess what, you can be decked out from head to toe in Tory Burch's latest sportswear and still suck. What matters is that you're there and you put in the work. Plus, liposuction, angioplasty, doctor visits, and funerals are far more costly than workout apparel.

7. I'm tired.

Well ladee-frickin-da. Aren't we all. That's called life. You know what actually helps give you more energy? Working out. As the great Elle Woods said,"Exercise gives you endorphins. Endorphins make you happy. Happy people just don't shoot their husbands, they just don't." Don't shoot anybody, go workout and get some energy while you're at it.

8. Working out is hard.

Everything is hard, get some perspective. One thing my mom always used to say to me whenever I would complain or feel sorry for myself is to suck it up and work harder. Seems harsh in retrospect, but I love that attitude and it got me to where I am today. Life's hard, get a helmet. I would much rather have something to talk about such as working out than the latest Bachelor episode (no offense, but that show is awful).

Do something that makes you feel good about yourself. Better yet, you don't even have to choose between the two if you don't want - watch whatever show you're into while you workout. If watching your favorite show or movie makes it easier, then do that. Get creative with it and make your workout more enjoyable. There's no one-size-fits-all when it comes to fitness.

9. The elements.

This one cracks me up. Those who say it's too hot or cold out to workout. Oh, shoot there's this thing called a gym - it has air conditioning and you can run on this thing where you set the incline and speed to whatever you want. Some even have fans built in. Oh you can only go outside? Maybe layer up - put some more clothes on (or less depending on the temperature), and get out there. No excuses, play like a champion. Using the weather as an excuse is just plain lazy.

10. It's boring.

You might think it's all fun and games until someone can't fit into their own pants.

Aside from explaining how exercise and being active is good for your overall well-being and can save your life, know what I find boring? Sitting on the couch whenever I have free time. Not moving. Doing absolutely nothing. Sure, sometimes I need couch time and truly enjoy it, but consistently being a couch potato is what I find boring. If being in fresh air or reaping benefits of a pleasant mind and healthy body are boring, then I am surprised you got to number 10 on this list. Go drink with Howard.

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